Inspirational Quote Banner DIY

I've wanted to make one of these banners / flags for ages now. Simon doesn't really like stuff like this but I thought I'd make a mini one to hang up near my desk that way I'm not forcing a huge one onto him. Saying that I took the photos in our bedroom and it looked pretty good!

They're really easy to make with no sewing required. The only tricky bit was cutting out the B. I used Futura Bold, one of my favourite fonts, but you can use a different typeface if you prefer.

What you'll need:

Felt, two colours
PVA glue
Bakers twine
Phrase printed out

Begin by cutting out the letters of your printed out phrase, you can do whatever you want but try to keep it short and sweet. Pin the cut out letters onto the felt you'd like to use and cut around them with fabric scissors.

I found the B a but tricky so I used a craft knife for that letter. It might take some time to get them cut out neatly but be patient.

Next play around with the spacing of your letters and lay them down in the centre of the other sheet of felt. One you are happy with the placement make sure the letters are dead in the centre before you do any cutting.

I went for quite a tradition flag shape but you can do something different if you prefer. I measured the centre of the felt so I could make sure the so points would be equal. I left 5cm on each side of the letters and made sure to leave enough felt at the top to fold over the make the channel for the bakers twine.

Once you are happy with your measurements cut out the flag shape and stick down the letters using pva or fabric glue if you have it.

Using a blunt needle thread the bakers twine through the channel at the top of your flag. Tie a knot and you're ready to hang your banner up anywhere you'd like! 

If you make this DIY I'd love to see photos. Tag me in Instagram using @nancy_straughan or show me on twitter using @nancy-straughan